Learn Magic

Learning magic

Learn simple magic tricks

Learn how it works! - Learn simple magic tricks and perform them perfectly.

Magic is one of the most beautiful ways to reach people, because almost everyone loves it. Learning magic is easier than many people think.

These people are addressed:

  •     People who want to get to know the art of creating illusions.
  •     Companies that want to train their employees in presence, presentation and communication.
  •     Institutions that want to offer children, young people and adults this special advanced training.
  •     People who want to learn simple magic tricks

This is what you'll learn:

  •     The technique of effective illusions and simple magic tricks
  •     The right presentation
  •     Principles that make magic effective

The tricks of the greatest wizards have something in common: Behind the secret there is the real secret! That's exactly what you learn here.

For example, the small difference when a wizard and a loaner show you the same simple magic trick. The loan focuses on the magic trick, the magician on the magic, the entertainment value! At Bagatello´s Magic Seminars you can learn simple magic tricks and learn how best to present the magic trick.

Whether magic with children or adults, the demands are different and must be adapted to the target audience.

"Is there magic?" That's a good question. In any case, there are magic tricks - and they can be learned! Have fun with it!

How to learn magic
How to learn magic

Learning magic tricks trains both mind and hands and is great fun!


The way is the goal. Even learning magic tricks is exciting and fun. The subsequent demonstration is both a challenge and a pleasure at the same time.

Learning card tricks at Bagatellos seminars
Learning card tricks

Learn card tricks

Card tricks are considered the supreme discipline in the magic arts.
However, you can learn simple card tricks that are often as entertaining as the great art of cards.

Learning simple magic tricks is also suitable for children's projects.
Learning simple magic tricks

Learn magic tricks

For children, learning magic tricks is a double benefit:
They learn something new and have to concentrate a lot. Furthermore, they get something to show with pride

The shell player trick explanation is only available for magic colleagues.
Shell Player trick explanation

The Hat Players Trick Explanation?

It's only available for magic colleagues.

The digital world opens up new opportunities for bright minds!

Learn to do magic with your personal teacher while you stay at home!

Feedback zum Online Seminar "Einfache Zaubertricks lernen":


"Lieber Bagatello
vielen Dank für den tollen Zoom-Zauber-Workshop. Das war für mich und meine Tätigkeit als Klinikclown maßgeschneidert: schnelle, leicht erlernbare und verblüffende Tricks für zwischendurch. Sie haben das auch so gut erklärt und so nett gemacht, dass ich schnell Lust bekommen habe, das auszuprobieren. Dabei waren Sie trotzdem kritisch und haben mir noch gute Hinweise gegeben, wie ich mich verbessern kann. Rundum gelungen und auch die richtige Menge Input.
Ich komme gerne mal wieder.

Alles Gute für Sie und Ihre hoffentlich vielen weiteren Zauber-"Eleven"
Georg Brinkmann"

Feedback Online Zauberseminar für Kinder:

Sehr geehrter Herr Bagatello,
wir können den Zauberworkshop nur empfehlen, vor allem für Zauberanfänger!

Sie haben die Tricks sehr ausführlich beschrieben und sehr genau erklärt.
Wir konnten die Tricks nur mit wenig Übung gut ausführen.

Es hat uns sehr viel Spaß gemacht und wir würden es auf jeden Fall noch mal machen!

Vielen Dank noch mal!

Luzie und Klemens, 11 Jahre

By the way: Learning magic is not only something for children.
Learning magic for adults is very popular.
