
Multipliers Training

For those who want to pass it on

Learn how it works! - Seminars for multipliers

 Multiplier training "Theaterleckerbissen".

    For all those who would like to lead a children's or youth theatre group, or are already doing so and would like support.
    For people who are looking for new impulses for their theatre work.

From baiting to ready-to-serve story:
Appetizer: the fast inventing of game stories
Main course: How are children lured into the story - how are they made to play? What does a game leader have to be able to keep the kids in line?
Dessert: How is a performance with children and young people organised?

Despite all the professionalism of the seminar, the fun of playing theatre is in the foreground, because only a games director who is enthusiastic himself/herself can also inspire the children.



Become a trendsetter with game ideas and tools to share for your project week.


Enjoying theatre

and pass it on. Find story ideas. Have them improvise. Dramaturgy leading. Directing. Help them perform successfully.


Whether theatre, mime or juggling

Efficient teaching and having fun is to be experienced here.


Passing it on

You learn the art of passing on art.
